Montag, 31. Mai 2010

1. Juni 2010: Neues vom Weinberg

Hallo zusammen, heute erreichte uns folgende Mail aus Palästina:

Dear friends of Tent of Nations all over the world,

Thank you so much for your prayers and for the advocacy letters you sent on behalf of us to your government, Embassies and to the Israeli officials and government. It is wonderful to see how many people in the world are committed to work for justice and do care about us and about the Tent of Nations.

Since Thursday, the day we received the nine demolishing orders and until today, Monday the 31st of May 10.00 pm, we are still under pressure hoping that the Army won’t come and destroy our structures. Sunday and Monday were two long days for us, but thank God no destruction or dismantling of any developments or renovations took place.

It is wonderful to see how many people came to visit us yesterday and today to show their solidarity with us. We pray and hope that things will change and the sun of justice will rise again.

Our lawyer appealed to stop the demolishing orders, he sent the Appeal by Fax to the Israeli military authority and got the confirmation that it was received. Our situation will continue to be critical and our structures will continue to be under threat of destruction until we receive a paper from the military authority says that our Appeal is being accepted.

The letters of advocacy that were sent to political officials in many countries and the fast reaction of our attorney who immediately challenged the demolition order in the Israeli court are the two strategies we are following to challenge and stop the demolishing orders. With your prayers and support, we are sure that we will succeed.

It is a big support for the Tent of Nations to have so many friends all over the world who are standing against this injustice. Please remember that Faith, love and hope are keeping our spirit high and are giving us the strength to continue this just struggle and we will never give up.

Please forward my E-mail to all your friends.

Blessings and Salaam, Daoud

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